

Collaboration in the Escape Room Huertano project by Antonio Abellan

Design planning and  for an apartmenthouse in Murcia, Spain.

Execution  planning and  for the refurbishment building of an attic in Mazarron, Spain.

Detailed planning for a Passivhaus in Murcia, Spain.


Detailed planning for a staircase in a listed building in the old slaughterhouse Karlsruhe, Germany for PasoBau Karlsruhe.

Support with the detailed construction planning for a Solar Thermal Plant in Partanna, Sicily, Italy for Frenell GmbH.

Support of detailed electrical planning for Solar Thermal Plant in Partanna, Sicily, Italy for Frenell GmbH.

Support of the construction management and quality control for Solar Thermal Plant in Partanna, Sicily, Italy for Frenell GmbH.

Implementation of a GNSS measurement with use of correction data with Leica 500 system for CSP plant in Sicily for Frenell GmbH.

Support by Project engineering of a CSP plant in Sicily for Frenell GmbHSupport by Project engineering of a CSP plants in Greece for Frenell GmbH


Coordination of logistics and customs clearance for  shipment of 8 40 foot sea freight containers to Palermo, Sicily, Italy for Frenell GmbH

Support by Implementation of a Production line for linear Fresnel Mirrors for Frenell GmbH in Sicily, Italy

Support by implementation of DIN 1090 for quality control for the construction of a solar thermal plant in Partanna, Sicily, Italy for Frenell GmbH

Support for Site management and quality control for the construction of a solar thermal plant in Partanna, Sicily, Italy for Frenell GmbH

Support by Project engineering of a CSP plant in Oman for Frenell GmbH

Approval planning of a garage in Rastatt, Germany for PasoBau Karlsruhe

Conversion of a retail trade area into 3 flats for PasoBau Karlsruhe

Detail planning for apartment building in Karlsruhe, Germany for PasoBau Karlsruhe

Approval planning of a conversion of a restaurant to student flats for PasoBau Karlsruhe

Tendering and awarding for the refurbishment of a listed historical building of the old slaughterhoused in Karlsruhe, Germany for PasoBau Karlsruhe


Support with construction management and quality control for a CSP plant in Dadri, India for linear Fresnel Technology 

Support by Implementation of a Production line for linear Fresnel Mirrors for Frenell GmbH in Sicily, Italy

Support by Mobilisation for the construction of a Solar Thermal Plant in Partanna, Sicily for Frenell GmbH

Detail and Approval planning for the refurbishment of a listed historical building of the old slaughterhoused in Karlsruhe, Germany for PasoBau Karlsruhe

Support for Site management for the construction of a solar thermal plant in Partanna, Sicily, Italy for Frenell GmbH

Design and Approval planning for an apartment building in Karlsruhe, Germany for PasoBau Karlsruhe

Design Planning for a single family house in Quito, Ecuador


Support with construction management and quality control for a CSP plant in Dadri, India for linear Fresnel Technology

Project Design of the refurbishment of a listed historical building of the old slaughterhouse

 in Karlsruhe, Germany for PasoBau Karlsruhe

Project Design for Renovation and Extension of single and multiple family houses in the Karlsruhe, Germany for PasoBau Karlsruhe


Head of solar field production at Novatec Solar Germany for Linear Fresnel Technology,

Responsible for bidding and costing for the following projects:

Gujarat 20MW CSP power plant,

Chevron 100MW CSP for enhanced oil recovery application (EOR),

Chevron 23MWth Pilot CSP power plant for EOR,

Project management for a detailed engineering study for the integration of a solar power plant into an existing conventional coal-fired power plant in Mejillone’s 6.4MWth solar integration of a solar power plant into an existing conventional coal-fired power plant for GDF Suez,

Saudi Arabia:
Waad al Shamal: 50MW connection of a CSP power plant to an integrated combined cycle power plant (ISCCP),  for Saudi electric Company (SEC)


Collinsville 30MW CSP for Transfield Services

South Africa:
100MW CSP plant offered with ABB

Creation of a generic
Organisation handbook for the
Implementation of CSP projects

Member by ecofund, an international webbased fundrising platform to preserve our ecosystem



Project management and site supervision for a 13,1MWth CSP power plant with integration of the steam cycle in a 2GW coal-fired power plant at Liddell, New South Wales, Australia for Linear Fresnel Technology.


Project Design and Construction of the turbine house with boiler support structure for a 2MW CSP power plant in Calasparra, Spain in Collaboration with MW Zander for

Linear Fresnel Technology

Conversion of an industrial hall to build a production facility for solar modules for the CSP industry for

Linear Fresnel Technology

Shared Site management of 2MW CSP power plant in Calasparra, Spain  for Linear Fresnel Technology


Show house „Piso Piloto“ for first construction phase of Golf Resort 3 Molinos, Torre Pacheco, Spain, Project Design and Construction

Reforma de vivienda en el edificio de los 9 pisos, Murcia, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Urban planning for the Golf Resort 3 Molinos with 2500 residential units in Torre Pacheco, Murcia, Project Design in Collaboration with Jose Maria Torres Nadal, office of arquitecture

Design planning for 121 flats „RB06“ for Golf Resort 3 Molinos, Torre Pacheco, Spain, Project Design

Rehabilitation of an apartment building in Santomera, Murcia, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Javier Mena and Joaquin Fernandez

Preliminary planning, design planning and costing for 50 residential units in Villena, Spain, Collaboration with housing developper Iddi


Casa Patio, Murcia, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Reforma de vivienda en el edificio de los 9 pisos, Murcia, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture


Casa del Coleccionista, Los Alcázares, Murcia, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Casa del Ecologista, Murcia, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture and MTM arquitectos at the international ideas competition Europan 6, Barakaldo, Spain, Project Design Collaboration

Conversion of a Military Barracks in Murcia, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Antonio Abellan office of arquitecture

Beach Promenade in La Manga Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Enrique Minguez office of arquitecture

Museum of the Cathedral of Murcia, Project Design Collaboration with Antonio Abellan office of arquitecture


House for a Doctor in Murcia, Spain, Project Design and Execution

Remodelacion Club de Tenis de Murcia, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Espacio Xtra, Murcia, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Sanz Sport, Alaquàs, Valencia, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture


Confiletas, Murcia, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Concurso Ciudad de Levante, Córdoba, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Vivienda de protección oficial La Unión, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture and Martin Lejarraga


Concurso de Ideas Ciudad de la Justicia, Murcia, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Vivienda vertical urbana, Cartagena, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Farmacia C/Mayor, Los Alcázares, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Corporate Idendity Librería Tierra, Murcia, España, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Regeneracion ambiental del Rio Segura a su paso por Blanca, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture


Hotel Cavanna, 100 Rooms, La Manga, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Martin Lejarraga office of arquitecture

Casa Varo, Elche Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Casa de la Playa, Spain, Project Design and Execution

Concurso Piscina Cubierta Municipal de Totana, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Centro Comercial Finestrat, Benidorm, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture

Expositor para la facultad de Letras, Murcia, Spain, Project Design Collaboration with Xpiral office of arquitecture